Thursday, August 9, 2012

Strike Up the Band ~ Grab the Spirit Slogans

Friday Night Football Begins Soon! Are you ready? Come on y’all, break out the pom-poms and shakers, and go support your local high school team, even if you don’t personally know one player!

As you might guess, I’m a strong advocate of supporting the hometown teams. After all, high school football is not only as exciting as some college teams but what a way to stretch your entertainment dollars! Where else is the action so packed for so little cost? So, hop-on up to your favorite nesting site in the bleachers and get ready to cheer! Don’t forget to pass the hot dogs!

There’s honestly nothing quite as savory as biting into a big juicy hot dog in the stands and rooting for the home team on a cool fall evening! Especially for those of you who have sons participating on Friday nights, I imagine many of you are wondering if it’s all worth it. All the blood, sweat, and anguish you’ve seen your son go through, not to mention the parents’ booster club fees. (It takes a lot to run high school football programs.)

The players have practiced through the miserable heat. All summer long, they’ve been faithful to their best love in the entire world ~ the weight room! They’ve done so many reps by now they can execute and perform them in their sleep! The players are ready. The coaches are ready. The cheerleaders are ready. The fans are pumped. But, what about the mamas of seniors? Are they ready? Are they ready to watch their sons play the last season of football?

I’ve been in your shoes, assuming you wear high heels, and I know what it’s like to see the last high school season slip away right before your eyes. Of course, we want our sons to go on with their lives, attend college, build their own careers, live productively, and not be a bunch of bums. But, I’ll tell you right now, I didn’t want to see those high school years end. No sir, not this mama! Many mamas, I guess, can’t wait for their kids to get out of the house and leave for college. Well, that wasn’t me!

High school football is the last stop for the games’ innocence. Once a player graduates and leaves the ole alma mater for another field, their lives change completely. And so does yours. Some purdy big surprises are on the horizon once your son leaves your nest. Some of which have nothing to do with football at all. College football really is a whole new ball game on many levels.

But as for right now, if your son is playing high school football, I’d love to hear from you! Join me for a round of braggin rights and let me know about your stand-out player in the comments. Tell us the name of your son, his position, his school, and his stats - and anything else about his football career you wish to share. If we get several, we may post some of the comments in a later post.

We’ll come back to the question of whether or not mamas are ready to send sons off, the conflicting emotions and what some of your suggestions are on how to cope with this last senior season.

Let’s get ready for some FOOTBALL! GO TEAM!


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