Tuesday, September 4, 2012

There's a Big "I" in Quit!

To Quit, or not to Quit, that is the question.

Let’s be honest, haven’t we all wanted to quit at something one time or another in our lives? Maybe when the going got so bad you wanted to pull your hair out? What then, I ask, was it that made you continue? Might it have been envisioning the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or something else that gripped your heart? Maybe even something stronger than you ever thought possible buried just below the surface?

The big “I” in quit has everything to do with you! You control the “I” in the quit factor. And, at the end of the day it’s all up to you.

Perhaps you’ve either quit on a job, a friend, a colleague, a dream, something in your past, something in the present, or maybe you’ve never quit on anything in your life. Most of us have quit on something a time or two in life, whether it was for our benefit or not. Maybe it was for a good reason, or maybe you found an excuse to quit. Heck, I think we can all find excuses going for the bargain price of a dime a dozen!

Let’s take football teams for example. (You knew I was getting to it!) Why is it that some teams seem to thrive on 4th down and 2. Seconds left on the clock. No huddle. Run the ball in for a TD to capture the winning score—all with no fumbles or confusion and certainly no quitting from any player. While other teams appear to fumble like crazy and fall apart under such pressure?

I’m here to declare that, yes great coaching, preparing and game planning has a lot to do with it. But honestly, even more importantly—it’s in the DNA mind-set within the players, y'all! That sounds so simple but it is so true. I hate to squash your image of how genius-like and dang-nab artfully your head coach executes his game plan, but it has got more to do with what happens between the ears of his players than it does brawn or coaching or even the cheering home field advantage.

Proverbs 23: 7 “As a man “thinks” in his heart, so is he…”

So, with that in mind, how do you view yourself within your own heart?  Are you a quitter, or do you keep on going when things look out of reach? The big “I” in quit can be most challenging and pesky and here’s why: it’s your reflection you see in the mirror. No one else’s. We’ve only ourselves and the Lord to answer to.

As strong women, single mothers or wives, we’ve all had those days of hair pullin’ and would’ve offered up our children to the lowest bidder at a moment’s notice. Or, we sent up the white flag in surrender to the unbearable circumstances we were facing, and some of you may be having one of those days today! Of course, we’d never really offer up our kids, then again?? Kidding, I’m only kidding …

I believe we as strong women have simply set our minds to do impossible things, especially when we are tired and plum worn out. We go the extra mile for our kids, sometimes literally, driving them here or there, investing time in them with the hopes of rearing bright, productive, unselfish offspring—citizens who will contribute to society in positive ways. I salute mamas and women who inspire and encourage a no quit spirit in the mind-sets of their children and influence their communities for a greater good.

Just like the football team that click’s under pressure, our juggling act isn’t easy but, Quitters? I doubt it. Gooo Ladies!

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