Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Green Wave Player Injured: Finding God's Grace in the Depths of Disaster

Only when you’ve had a son of your own go down in the middle of a game can you really comprehend the sudden impact of near hysteria in a mama’s heart. Watching your child lay lifeless on the field can spiral a mother’s mind into orbit with thoughts no one but God could understand. The shock she endures is overwhelming. It is so scary and uncertain.

The effects of injured Tulane player Devon Walker echo far beyond any stadium bleachers. That I am certain of. I know, I understand, because I’ve been in those shoes. It is not something I wish on any football mama anywhere, no matter how huge the rivalry. We are all one when something like this happens.

But how to make sense of it all? How to find God when He seems so far away? How to get a grip on the situation? How to calm yourself and cope, when all you really want to do is chop somebody, anybody’s head off? And, where is God’s grace anyway, dang-nab-it?

Then again, you have to ask yourself this question: Where in His word did He ever say we would not have to suffer? Or go through trials and tragedy? No one is immune from life’s heartaches. That I am also certain of. He did, however, say He’d see us through trouble with grace so amazing it will make even the biggest skeptic scrutinize.

Allow yourself to reflect for a minute—doesn’t God shine His best when we go through trials and tribulation? He’s been shining His best all the way down throughout history. Remember the release of the Israelites from Egypt? Just one example of how God used His guy, Moses, to free the Lord’s people. But God didn’t stop there. Oh no, He parted the Red Sea to see those people to safety! Talk about shining through just in the nick of time! In John 6: 1-14, Jesus once again shines through a set of challenging circumstances, feeding the 5,000 people with a little boy’s two small fish and five loaves of bread, not to mention all those He healed that day.

These are just a few examples from the Bible. I know many of you have personal testimonies of how God shined His grace through tuff times in your lives again and again. He is always faithful, always provides and always shines through! He is amazing.

Sometimes, maybe even most times, we’ll never know the greater purpose God has in store for allowing us to go through such tragedy, but we’ve got to trust that He knows what He’s doing. I can tell you raht now, that’s a tuff cookie to swallow and it is very difficult to understand His grace, especially when your kid is in peril. At this very minute, this family needs our prayers.

I’m asking the Lord to shine His grace upon this family and those who are attending to Devon, including the docs. I pray for His healing power to cover this child. I also ask, in the mighty name of Jesus, for comfort for his mama, to give her and his family God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask You, too, Lord to provide all logistics in getting his family to and from Tulsa or wherever they need to go.

As far as Tulane University, it really doesn’t get any better academically. My oldest son, Bryson Westbrook, holds a business degree from Tulane and played all four years, including the 1998 12-0 season. He knows from experience how hard it is to keep up the GPA and play football for the Green Wave at the same time. This young man is studying to be a pharmacist. Quite impressive majoring in pharmacy and playing the sport. If you believe that wasn’t God’s grace, think again.

Yes, finding God’s grace is possible even in the depths of disaster. It is never easy but at the end of the day, it is worth every tear, worth every heartache, worth every ounce of sweat seeking Him with a desperate heart full of despair. Watch and see how He works it all out. He will shine His grace just in the nick of time! Let's pull together football family and keep this child, Devon Walker in our prayers.     

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